
Java lost to insane software patent

This is pure insanity. It appears that Kodak has won a lawsuit against SUN over a software patent, and is going to claim one billion in damages.

From what I can make out of it, it appears that running code on an virtual machine like in Java is patended by Kodak?! And the wording seems to be something like “a program asking another program for help”. This will apply to the .NET runtime too, so if this really comes through the industry is in for a hit.

This has to get sorted out, it’s just too stupid to not to.

Via SlashDot.


J2SE 5.0 in a nutshell

Calvin Austin writes here.


Stuff to learn in J2SE 5.0

Oh, seems I have some new syntax to learn. Tom McQueeney writes about reading Java with the new J2SE 5.0 features.