
Object Validation through annotations

This would be cool to have in our current project. We’re pretty much swamped in XML config files. Setting up stuff like this right at the source level would be good. I’ll have to wait for our production environment get upgraded to 1.5 in like two years. 🙂

2 replies on “Object Validation through annotations”

I can’t wait until all the people that dislike XML and think annotations are the answer to start complaining about all the annotations they have to do. This will start in a year or so.

If something better shows up I probably will bitch about the annotations too. 😉 Seriously, I know why I have to write all the XML now. It’s not that writing XML is that hard, it’s just that I think having attributes included in the code will increase readability. I won’t have to switch between 5 files just to figure out which path my app takes. It’s not a solution for everything, but it’s going to help for some stuff like validation. XML will still be around.

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