

Oh, yeah. I’m now a Sun Certified Programmer. 🙂

I can understand why some people complain about the certification, it really is a bunch of things you don’t use much in your daily work. But it is also details that any Java programmer should really know about the language. I found the parts about string handling, collections and threads to be the most relavant ones and something I should have learnt properly a long time ago. 🙂

One reply on “Certified”

Recently i’ve came over someone’s blog post in which author is “exploring” the magic of protected access modifier in Java… It was so much fun reading it! At that moment I thought – it was a right thing to prepare and pass that SCJP exam some years ago. How could it be, that a Java programmers can’t handle such a basic things? It’s stupid.
SCJP gives you a solid base on a language and some fundamental APIs, so that you can spend rest of your life exploring something more “sophisticated”, you know ;-))

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