
Web clients and the Ajax approach

Found some interesting thoughts on Aslak Hellesøy’s blog about webclients and interaction design. He links to something they call Ajax which is pretty much dynamic pages managed by javascript all the way through the application. Google are doing a good job at it right now with their new applications, and the UI would be really slick. I would’nt want the nightmare of coding all the different browser compatible script though. If I’m ever goind to use something like this I will have to find a javascript library that was maintained and let med avoid all the problems with browser version and types.

3 replies on “Web clients and the Ajax approach”

I think this new technology is very interesting and I think it will change the way interaction designers will create web ui! enabling totally new interaction patterns

Yep, no doubt it will be moving to richer clients than the standard HTML. Just hope there will be some high quality library to handle it.

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