
Ruby with Maven and a bit of Cucumber love

A while back I was trying to do some initial tries at Ruby as a scripting language with JRuby. That means that I had a Java system, but needed to do some util scripting for the system, and wanted to avoid those pesky bash scripts. Because I had a Java system and Maven infrastructure in place I really wanted it all to work nicely with that. But the whole Ruby and gem ecosystem threw me a bit off. Long story short: I never quite figured out how to do that and had to move on getting things done.

Madaspeak has a nice post showing how you can run Cucumber in Maven as tests for your Java classes. Cucumber is an interesting BDD framework from Aslak Hellesøy, and in the process you can also learn how to enable running of JRuby in Maven.


Redesign is not going to save you

This was really a ReTweet from Johannes, but my mind started working and it got sort of out of hand for a tweet. 😉 Both his comment and link was excellent:

Software tends towards more technical debt. Without the discipline to reverse this, we won’t succeed in a rewrite either. – Johannes Brodwall

The article that he linked to is the “The Big Redesign In The Sky” from Uncle Bob. If you understand Norwegian also check out Karianne Berg’s really good lightning talk on the subject.

I myself really have to fight the urge to start over on a green field application. I know it takes too much time, and the result will be much worse than what I hope for when I start out. But what it really comes down to is wether you have the mechanisms in place that lets you incrementally improve your application. Without confidence in the changes made developers will avoid doing them, and your application will continue to rot. So what can you do to encourage changes? Some of my personal favourites:

  • Unit tests
  • Functional tests
  • Web tests
  • Database tests and migrations

All of these can also resist change if done badly, but you need to start somewhere. It’s really hard, but finding a path for incremental improvement is the best way.


Migrations for Java

If you are familiar with Ruby on Rails you know what Migrations are. The same thing can and should be done in Java, it’s just not that well known.

Why migrations? Because it enables you to automatically update any environment you have to the latest version. And this is done through source control closely tied to the code. This means that every time a developer checks in a change to the database it gets propagated to all the developer sandboxes. The person responsible for deploying into the test environment doesn’t have to know which changes are to be applied or not. This is an automatic process that has been tested by CI already. But more on this later.

Simple migration

For those of you that don’t know what migrations are, a migration is a change set. An example would be a change that adds a column to a table. Writing a migration is then writing eirther code or SQL that represents an alter table add column statement. You do not update the original create table statement. For RoR this means some Ruby code, and with the current tools in Java it means writing SQL. I’m not quite sure which one of them I actually prefer, but when making changes to tables with millions of rows I prefer to have as much control of the SQL as possible. The rest of this entry will be focused on the Java way with writing SQL.

So when I wan’t to make a change to the database I would create  a new file calles something like 0325_add_comment_column_to_user.sql :


You might notice that this is not portable. VARCHAR2 is an Oracle specific thing. How often do you change database implementations? Not very often, and your code is still vendor independent since you’re using iBatis or Hibernate. Also, during a change of databases you need to port the schema, which will then also include this change because you will port the base line.

Base line

Base line you say? For these migrations to work you will need something that is already there. You obviously can’t do a alter table without a create table first. The create table migration is a bit back in time, but it has been done. So if everything that is done in your database is migrations in separate files you will get a lot of scripts after some time. To prevent this; at regular intervals generate a new script containing the schema that represents the current state of your database. This is from production, or some “production like” environment. Then you can delete all the scripts that lead to that base line, and keep adding new scripts.

This also makes it easier to create new instances of your database. You first run the schema from the base line. In this base line it is included everything up until revision 307. So when you have done this, you need to apply the latest migrations that are missing up until 325 which we created above.

The harder migrations

One important concept with migrations is that you can’t just think about the schema. You will also need to take into consideration the data in tables. This wasn’t really that hard when adding a column that can be null. If we were adding a column that had a ‘not null’ constraint we would need to figure out what to fill in. Maybe this was a default, or maybe you’ would have to calculate the new values. To achieve this you must write PL/SQL or something similar, which would scare a lot of developers off. I personally think that we should all know enough database stuff to be able to do this. It is not just useful in creating migrations, but for gaining a better understanding of databases and how we can use them effectively. I wish I could show you a harder migration here, but I actually don’t have anything to experiment on at hand, so I just hope you get the picture.

The tools

We are using a simple tool called DBDeploy. It’s a very simple tool that requires a table in the database. This table holds which revision has already been applied, and it uses this information to find out which numbered scripts on the disk is to be applied. In the case of the base line above that would be scripts 308 through 325. It does no processing of the scripts, and just puts it together in a new file with some updates to the changelog table in between. This means that you can pretty much write whatever you want inside these scripts. The test to see if it is working is by running the resulting file. Because DBDeploy actually doesn’t execute anything, we have made a simple ant integration with sqlplus for executing the statements. We did use to call the sql task in Ant, but found that we needed some of the flexibility that sqlplus did offer us to be able to perform these migrations in a good way.

We are also using Maven to package and release these scripts in the same manner as we release code. That way we can always go back to see what DB state equals the code, and we can pull down official releases from the Maven repository. It also integrates nicely into a Continious Integration scheme. Every time someone checks in a change it is automatically tested against a separate database. This way we catch most errors instantly and can fix them while we still remember what we were doing.

Some special cases

Simple is not easy. So there are some things that you need to be aware of, and some things that are not really handled that well. I do however belive that it is worth it regardless. Some of the things we have discovered:

  • You can not change a migration after it is checked in to source control – The script has already been applied to a database and will not be run again no matter how many changes you do to the script after first check in. There are some exceptions to this, but the basic rule is that it can not be changed if the first script was succesful. You might need to write an alter table statement for the alter table you just did.
  • Branches – Since the scripts are number based you there will be a problem when merging a branch into your trunk. What if both trunk and branch has a number 62, but with different contents? First of all, DBDeploy will fail because it finds two scripts with the same number. So you’ll need to rename the script that you just merged in with a different number. But you can’t give it the last number, since some of the other scripts without conflicts from the branch might be dependent on the one with a conflict. So you should always make sure the change in the branch uses a number higher than the one in trunk, and merge that as fast as possible down into trunk so anyone else doesn’t use that number. Not very good, I admit, but it’s the best solution so far.
  • Synonyms – Synonyms will be dependent on the schema names. This is not something you must do with DBDeploy, but we prefer to keep our scripts independent on user names. This enables us to have several instances for different purposes in the same environment. We have actually added a Ant search and replace to enable us to write scripts with synonyms, but replace with the correct db schema at runtime.

The stuff I haven mentioned here is very much still a work in progress, and my goal is that we will be able to change our database as we need instead of putting it off until it becomes a separate migration/rewrite project. We need to be able to make improvements with as little hassle as possible so out systems won’t rot away.