
Microsoft patents OR-Mapping

Franz Bouma discovered that Microsoft has patented ORMapping . I gave up trying to read all the patent mumbo jumbo, but it sure looks like a patent on OR-Mapping. I’m a bit confused actually to wether it’s just an application, or wether it has been approved.

But anyway, is there no decency? I mean, sure, it would be nice to be evil and sit there collecting royalties from all mapping going on in the world, but this is just too stupid. And even if you were the first one to come up with the idea of mapping, how can you claim ownership of such a general idea? I haven’t really read up on the issue of software patents, but if it’s going to amount to this in Europe too we should be scared.


Geronimo Design

Designing a product like Geronimo is a hughe undertaking. IBM Developerworks has an article about the design and inner workings of Geronimo. Interesting read.



IBM embraces corporate blogging

IBM is embracing blogging. Some info and their blogging guidelines is here. It’s quite major when a large company like IBM encourages blogging. I think many companies would not do this because they fear what their employees would publish. Through this IBM shows a great deal of trust in their employees, as well as embracing an open culture where information and ideas can flow freely. Excellent. 🙂