
IBM DeveloperWorks with more concurrency

IBM DeveloperWorks has a good continuation on their series on JDK 5.0 concurrency here. Seems yo couldn’t do lock-free and wait-free algorithms in Java before the new atomic API.


Java Properties editor

Been using the Zaval Java Resource Editor the last couple of days. Properties files can become quite a nightmare to maintain when doing full i18N for your application, and refactoring them an even bigger nightmare. But it just had to be done. The editor has it’s shotcomings, but it’s the best alternative I was able to find. Having a tree view of my properties file really helped me structure it. It also has some manual translation support features that we will use when translating the app for release later on.


Good AOP Usage

A lot of articles about AOP tell us how great it is, but few of them make a good case out of why and when to use AOP. I have not tried much aspects and remain a bit sceptical. Reckless usage could lead to a pretty confusing system that is hard to maintain. In this article on the JBOSS matrix Bill Burke follows up on some debate and posts some comments on when to use Aspects. Good read.