
The OO vs. ER fight

Donald Smith has a nice post about what could happens when there is no common understanding of the problem domain between the OO guys and the DBA (ER) guys here. Educating both the OO and the DBAs on the problems and concerns of the other part is extremely important. If not you’re stuck with one part spending way too much time trying to work around the issues they see no reason for having in the first place.


Languages for the JVM

Wow. A quite extensive list of available languages that can run on the JVM. I think some of them are interpreted by Java code, while others are compiled streight into Java bytecode.


Replacement complexity

Apparently the newest version of Spring can replace methods of instances through XML configuration. Ok, so it might be a cool feature as Craig Walls writes, and sometimes come in handy, it must be extremely confusing if it is used without discipline. It’s not always easy following source around with methods, xml mappings and code generation. I bet I would feel quite lost if I had to consider methods not beeing run because it was actually replaced in XML.