
Neward on OODBs

Lately I’ve been wondering what happened to OODBs. There is a whole debata going, especially around EJB3 about how to do Object-Relational mappings the best way. Why would be like to do it at all? Wouldn’t it be excellent if our databases just stored our objects? Utopia I guess. 🙂 Neward has some points on why OODBs are not used here.


Log4J and Nested Diagnostic Context

Rory Winston talks about Nested Diagnostic Context. It’s a nice feature of Log4J that lets you obtain the the method name and context without explicitly adding lines to yours log for entry and exit of methods.

update: An anonymous writer in the comments tipped med about Mapped Diagnostic Context too. I found a great article here that covers both NDC and MDC as well as some other aspects of Log4J.


Open Source ERP, CRM, SRM and IM system

Yep. Lots of buzzwords there. It’s targeted at small and midsize companies. Check it here.