Development Personal

Incremental migration

Martin Fowler has an article about Incremental migration. Just goes to show that by dividing problems into smaller increments you will get benefits in most situations. It is important to have the mindset to always look at how you can break a task into simpler parts. Not as easy always, but important.


Documenting and testing the browser

Google has released Google Doctype, which is a massive online reference for DOM, CSS and everything web browsy. It is also a test-suite in javascript, which lets them run easily against any new browser or update. A really neat idea, but a massive undertaking I’m sure. Read the announcement.


The Hotel Cafe Tour 2008

I don’t post much stuff here that isn’t ultra nerdy, but I just had to write about The Hotel Cafe Tour concert I attended yesterday.

The main attraction was Tom McRae (which is sort of a big artist here in Norway, and one of my favourite artists), but I was so incredibly impressed with all the other artists too. Some of them are apparently quite big in the US, so I think Tom McRae headlining was a local adaptation.

I’ll probably not buy the all of their CDs (which one guy did, and McRae dedicated the entire concert to him), but they all were wonderful and the atmosphere was awesome. I really love it when a concert feels intimate and the artists take the time to talk a little and tell stories. Alright, I know I’m there to listen to the music, but it changes the whole mood of the crowd when the artist communicates a bit.

The Oslo gig featured Cary Brothers, Catherine Feeny, Brian Wright, Jim Bianco and Greg Laswell. I especially liked Brian Writght and Greg Laswell (just referred to as ‘the gimp’ during the show 😉 ) Your local gig might differ, but go see them anyway. It’s extremely good value for money to see so many great musicians playing and having fun for three plus hours.

UPDATE: Check out the links below for some live footage. The Oslo show was of course much better, but you get the idea. 😉