Development Personal Web

Blogs and careers

Wow, blogs can help your career. I never knew. 😉 We’ll I did. And I guess most people that follows blogging a bit knows. Especially within the high tech industry where the web/google/blogs are used as a main information source. I google for information that is pretty technical each day, and I probably find around 40% or something of what I need on blogs.

I do this mainly out of interest, a small bit of fun (hey, I can’t deny it’s gratifying to see the stats go up) and a small bit of self promotion. Sometimes I blog a lot, and sometimes less. What I would really like to do is turn it towards a lot more content than just linking. That is my goal, but time rarely permits.

Rands is an excellent example of a good blogger. He really is one of my favourite bloggers in tech. Of course he blogs mostly management, but related to the software industry.

Maybe adding a bit of attitude to my blog would make it better? Nah, don’t have it in me. Maybe after a couple of beers like Matt suggests. 😉


Naming the beast

Hehe, these are pretty alright. I am several of them myselfe, and I know others that fit nicely in to them too. Read it here.


Back in business

So it seems I’m back in business. The server I’m running on (homebrew) had a bit of a cooling issue. Of course it went down the night before I was leaving for the US and The ServerSide Symposium. I feared my CPU was burned, but after some cleaning and new coolingpaste it seems to be running. We’ll se how long it lasts. 🙂

Got back from TSS on monday and still a bit of jetlagged. Great conference with great people. There’s heaps of stuff about it elsewhere.

Heaps of others too that I don’t remember. Excellent time in the us.