
Great Design Fab Five

This one’s good. 5 designers take on Jakob Nielsens website and especially his article on Design Guidelines for Visualizing Links. Excellent results. Now lets see if Jakob is one to learn from the designers. It would really make his site more useable, even if it is done through visual aides.


Best C# Bloggers

I’m going to start reading a bit more about .NET. I should know more than I do now. Check out for a list of the best C# bloggers.

Update: None of them are MS employees. 🙂


Politics of Work

Great blog about How Agile Development Ruined My Career (Sort Of). It’s not as much about Agile Development as it is handling the politics of the workplace. But of course it also displays some of the problems faced when working with people that has a completely different view of how things should be done.