There’s a scrum alliance wiki that has a list of known scrum smells (think like code smells).
Via Mark Levison.
All about technology
There’s a scrum alliance wiki that has a list of known scrum smells (think like code smells).
Via Mark Levison.
I havn’t really found the FIT/Fitnesse documentation to be very good, maybe I didn’t look hard enough. 🙂 This fixturegallery looks like a good place to start and check when you have questions.
Via Roy Osherove.
Dave Nicolette compares agile maturity to a marathon. I’m not crazy about the analogy, but he does put down some levels of agile that are reasonable. Before you can move on to the next level you should have a firm base to stand on, where most things are implemented and understood on the previous level.
Level one is within reach I guess, but we need to keep a steady eye on the horizon to keep on advancing.