
Agile outsourcing

TSS has an article on important stuff when doing offshoring here. It is probably incredibly hard, hell it’s hard even when not doing offshoring. 😉 Most of the principles he mentions is good advice when running an agile project without offshoring too.


Service coupling

Ted Neward and Adrian Trenaman discusses doing contract-first vs. code-first services here. It’s a good read. It starts out with Neward sort of being the devils advocate, but in the end he really expresses one of my main concerns: how to enable loose coupling. Loose coupling is one of the main promises of SOA, but it’s not like you automatically get that just because you’re using webservices. Loose coupling of data has always been hard, wether you are using RMI og WS-*. WS-* has made the technology coupling easier, but data is still just as hard.

Oh, and here is a link to Extensible Content Models that he mentions.


Test RegEx online

I’m no RegEx wizard, and when I need it I’m always a bit lost. Then it’s nice to test the things in an easy fashion, which I can do here.