
TestNG and Junit 4 compared

IBM DeveloperWorks has a good article comparing TestNG and Junit 4. I havn’t really paid much attention to the issue before, but it seems I should have a look at TestNG. It will probably be a better match for our higher-level integrationtests like the author states.


OpenSource WS Implementations

Some of the guys at work are testing out which WS implementation to use. From the little I know (I haven’t done much WebServices), there are a handful of decent ones.

  • Axis 1
  • Axis 2
  • XFire
  • Spring WS (Ok, it’s only on Milestone, but it should be decent if it has the same quality as the rest of the Spring stack)

Any new ones I don’t know of? What’s your experience with these?


You can’t outsource passion

You hear about the great ghost of outsourcing a lot of the time. Rands has an excellent piece on why some jobs can’t be outsourced.