Some good sound down to earth SOA advice can be found here. For once, it’s even coupled to some concrete technical advice.
All about technology
Some good sound down to earth SOA advice can be found here. For once, it’s even coupled to some concrete technical advice.
I’m not running on subversion right now, but have been testing Subclipse earlier. It has it weaknesses and now there is another alternative, Subversive. I’ll be sure to check it out later.
Grady Booch has a blog entry on SOA. Nothing revelutionary, but the following is some really good advice when trying to think SOA:
I’ve seen some folks suggest creating an SOA from the bottom up: look at a silo, identify the potential services, and publish them, then weave a system together from them. This is in essence technology first. In my experience, this is a recipe for disaster and/or serious over-engineering.