Development Web

Character conversion in J2EE webapps

A little over a year ago I linked to a couple of articles regarding internationalisation and charactersets here. Now I’m doing the same thing all over again, and I of course forgot one small step. For a really extensive and good overview of everything check out this excellent article, read it for in depth info. What I had to do was:

  1. Always use UTF-8 codes in your property files. JRC Editor will help you with that.
  2. Create a ServletFilter that sets the character encoding for each request: req.setCharacterEncoding(“utf-8”)
  3. Set the encoding for the JSP compiler: < %@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8" %>
  4. Set the encoding for the browser to interpret: meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″

That should be it. 🙂


Curvy corners for your divs

Havn’t tested this myself, but it seems incredibly easy and adds that little extra to your layout. Check out CurvyCorners.

Development Personal Web

Blogs and careers

Wow, blogs can help your career. I never knew. 😉 We’ll I did. And I guess most people that follows blogging a bit knows. Especially within the high tech industry where the web/google/blogs are used as a main information source. I google for information that is pretty technical each day, and I probably find around 40% or something of what I need on blogs.

I do this mainly out of interest, a small bit of fun (hey, I can’t deny it’s gratifying to see the stats go up) and a small bit of self promotion. Sometimes I blog a lot, and sometimes less. What I would really like to do is turn it towards a lot more content than just linking. That is my goal, but time rarely permits.

Rands is an excellent example of a good blogger. He really is one of my favourite bloggers in tech. Of course he blogs mostly management, but related to the software industry.

Maybe adding a bit of attitude to my blog would make it better? Nah, don’t have it in me. Maybe after a couple of beers like Matt suggests. 😉