
Struts 2.0 dropped

The Struts 2.0 development has been closed down. Struts Shale will be a new codebase for web development. No surprise that Struts would move to closer JSF integration, but dropping the entire codebase is a bit surprising. I guess Shale will be a fresh start, probably in some ways resembling the old Struts but building on experiences and improving. I think they have done a great job with Struts already (it’s been a long time since it’s conception, and it has of course suffered from some of the “old” ideas incorporated from the start), and will be looking forward to a new excellent product from Apache.

Update: Check comments for some clarifying info from Don Brown


Javapolis videos online

Hoho, it’s almost like christmas. 😉 Javapolis videos online here. Looks like I’ve got some hours of video ahead of me.


Generics gotchas

Yep, some gotchas here.