
QCon 2

Yesterday was pretty much about architecture. Werner Vogel from Amazon did a good talk about how they handle development and scaling. Dan Pritchett from eBay also did a good talk on how they do management and monitoring of their +5000 nodes. One interesting thing he mentioned was that their major problem and the reason they couldn’t increase the number of nodes was access to power. The surrounding power infrastructure can’t handle that much power in one place.

Overall yesterday was really good, and a lot of important input. The Exchange bar with beer and pizza in the evening was good too. What I really like with this conference is that they have speakers with real life experience from large companies that you rarely get to listen to. I probably have missed some of them, but I don’t think many of the good ones from yesterday do blogs, so it’s new info. Blogs I can read when I get back home. 🙂

I watched Eric Schmidts presentation on Democratizing The Cloud at QCon this morning. I was a bit distracted being a bit sick and all, but it was a really good talk.

He focused on how you have to make decisions in your application before you actually would like to make them. When developing a system and implementing the business rules you should not have to think about which client is beeing used (web/thick etc.). You also shouldn’t have to think about concurrency or the back button if you’re doing web.

They’re building stuff like this into LINQ 2.0, and it would really simplify development. That is if it works really good. A lot of people (me included) that I talked to were a bit skeptical about how this will really work and scale. It was however a really tempting thought to not have to think about concurrency or client technology before you deploy and configure the system.


QCon on it’s way

Alright so I’m at QCon, and it’s looking good. Venue is decent, and the Architectural track is good. The talk by Kevlin Henney and the panel debate lead by Martin Fowler was pretty good. Right now I’m at a usability talk, and it isn’t bad, it’s just not for me. The keynote by Werner Vogels was alright, but a bit too high level. He’s doing an architectural talk later today that should provide heaps of details.

The level of the talks tend to be a bit higher level than code demos, which is just to my liking. This might become an annual trip. That’s if it’s up to me then. 😉

Weather in London is excellent and having a great time. I’ll get back with a rant on the Jolly Hotel later. 😉

Oh, yeah, and the tow day Certified Scrum Master course was good too. Could have had another day to pick Jeff Sutherlands brain, but it was really good.


Profiling your J2EE application

I just started to profile our application. And apparently it was about time. 😉 When I see what takes time and the queries that are run there is a lot of room for improvement. Didn’t do much research but Yourkit is an excellent profiler. What caught my eye was the SQL profiling which I’m using extensively to track down queries Hibernate runs and identify cache and fetch tuning points. I’ve also identified a memory leak tied to class loading when reloading the application that I will be looking into.