
Snake Oiled Architecture

Grady Booch has a good post about SOA here. He called it Snake Oil-oriented Architecture, but I thought I could make it just a bit more tabloid. 😉

People jump on the SOA bandwagon because the preachers say so, when there are so many other fundamental design and architecture issues to consider before you can call your organisation and system ready for SOA. 🙂


Repeating the past

Ted Neward has an entry on how some people in the .NET community is a bit ignorant to the mistakes made by Java folks in the past here. Sadly the same mistake is still beeing made in Javaland today, but it’s probably getting better. 4 layers if indirection doesn’t help much if 100% of the data is beeing passed through all the layers. It just gives you heaps of code to maintain when something changes.


Service Evolution

Alright, I’m way too busy these days to read through all of this, so this is more of a toread. I found an article on schema evolution over at Martin Fowlers bliki. Check it out here, it looks good on first glance. It relates to a lot of the stuff we’re doing these days with a lot of integrationpartners.