
Fowler on fluent interfaces

I’m a big fan of Eric Evans book Domain Driven Design and so is Martin Fowler. As I was reading his FluentInterface article I also stumbled upon his explanations of Evans classifications within the domain model. It’s a good explanation of some of the basics for Evans DDD.

The fluent interface article is intriguing too. As Fowler points out it has it’s advantages and disadvantages. I’m not quite convinced it’s easier to read though, even though it’s closer to the domain language. It sort of resembles the query language for TopLink expressions. It’s not always the easiest thing to read, but maybe it is just a matter of mindset.

Personal Web

WordPress 2.0, not code friendly

So it’s been a couple of days since I upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Nothing really big, a bit slicker admin interface. WYSIWG editor and integrated spam plugin. I tried posting some code today though, and it all went bananas. Even the “edit HTML source” didn’t help since it removes < and > signs in between. I don’t want to need to translate all those. Not very code friendly at all. I’ll have to try to dig up some plugins/improvements.

Check out how seamless the switch between WYSIWG and WikiMarkup is in Confluence. I miss that. 🙂

OS tricks

OS Galore

I knew this, but got reminded when I stumbled over this page at VMWare. They have released their VMWare player for free, and there are a bunch of Linux images available here. Downloading my trusty old Debian as well as Ubuntu and Fedora right now. Thought I’d just check out how they were coming along. As if I didn’t have enough other stuff to do. 😉

Oh yeah, and this BEA WebLogic image should probably be a good kickstart for development with BEA.