
Smidig2008 videos online

Smidig2008 is the Norwegian agile conference. Completely organized by volunteers and excellent content. I was lucky enough to participate this year, but still have some talks I missed. I’ll be sure to check them out. You can find a list of best rated talks here.

You can see the entire list at: .


Two futures of software testing

Michael Bolton won an award for his talk on two futures of software testing. The message of it is in essence for testers to focus on the needs of the business instead of the plan. Even though it’s a presentation it has lots of notes and a lot of nice stuff there that turns testers to being more agile. Check it out.


Slides on agile support and operations

Mattias Skarin has a post on Agile for support and operations in 5 min. A bit thin on information, but it has some interesting concepts like kanban boards and visualization of cycle time.