
Flex alternative

Oh, and as ClientJava points out, The Lazlo platform goes opensource on the same day as Flex. As with Flex it seems to be a backend for genrating flash frontends on the servierside. Excellent.


Neward on OODBs

Lately I’ve been wondering what happened to OODBs. There is a whole debata going, especially around EJB3 about how to do Object-Relational mappings the best way. Why would be like to do it at all? Wouldn’t it be excellent if our databases just stored our objects? Utopia I guess. 🙂 Neward has some points on why OODBs are not used here.


Log4J and Nested Diagnostic Context

Rory Winston talks about Nested Diagnostic Context. It’s a nice feature of Log4J that lets you obtain the the method name and context without explicitly adding lines to yours log for entry and exit of methods.

update: An anonymous writer in the comments tipped med about Mapped Diagnostic Context too. I found a great article here that covers both NDC and MDC as well as some other aspects of Log4J.