
Amazing taglib for displaying data in tables

Ever needed to present a bunch of data in tables and started to get sick of using logic:iterate ? Then you need to try the <display:*> library. Just send in your array of data and it displays everything in nice tables.

If you need to customize the look & feel you just write your own decorator. Cool stuff! 🙂


Neward on EJB history and future

Ted Neward has a good response to an article by Floyd Marinescu here.

He discusses the history of EJB, weaknesses and what he sees as the wrong and correct use of EJB. Especially the dangers of thinking that distribution can be done with “complete” OO POJO models. Just face it, you can’t. Remoting and distribution is expensive and difficult, don’t think it’s transparent.


J2EE hosting

This seems to be an affordable hosting solution for J2EE with good options. Found it in this discussion.