Article on extending Struts here. As he points out extending Struts could resource intensive for maintaining and developing your extensions. Many of the cases like triggering events at app startup/shutdown and for every request can be handled easily with Servlet Listeners and Filters, and it might not even be dependent on Struts. I’d rather investigate the possibility of using them, instead of extending Struts.
Tag: Java
The road ahead for Struts
A proposal for the plans of Struts 2.x has been published here.
This looks really good. One of the most important changes will probably be better testability and the state management features. As noted in the proposal this will probably require some serious investigation, but supporting dialog sequences in multiple windows for each user will be a very welcome feature. The Struts flow plugin might provide some of these features today.
I know I have criticized some of the features of Struts on this blog, but it really is an excellent tool. And it holds up remarkably well considering the long (in internet time) timespan since it’s inception.
Via The ServerSide.
Update: Matt Raible chips in on his views to here. He has a lot of experience with web development and I always value his opinions.