Development Personal

Shorter turnaround with JavaRebel

All of us have felt the pain waiting for the web-container to reload after just a minor change to the code. Well, recently i came across JavaRebel from ZeroTurnaround and they seem have solved our problem! And if you, as most of us, enjoy Spring you’ll also enjoy their Spring plug-in to monitor your context-files.

As they put it:

JavaRebel is a developer tool that will reload changes to compiled Java classes on-the-fly saving the time that it takes to redeploy an application or perform a container restart. It is a generic solution that works for Java EE and Java standalone applications.!

Promise me to have a look at their screancasts (found on the right hand side of the page). They also have a nice list of features and supported JVM’s and web-containers.

They also have a Google group that answers questions you may have.

I haven’t tried it yet but am truely looking forward to it:-)
And if you do, please post a comment and let me know how it went.


Swimlane testing at Eclipse

Found some really interesting stuff about automated testing with a tool they’ve dubbed Swim. It basically uses the tests as online documentation. By abstracting actions to the correct level, and supplying generated screenshots every step of the way, tests can be verified and used as documentation. Through Ole Mortens blog. Check out Jon Udells entry for an explanation.

Development Personal

Incremental migration

Martin Fowler has an article about Incremental migration. Just goes to show that by dividing problems into smaller increments you will get benefits in most situations. It is important to have the mindset to always look at how you can break a task into simpler parts. Not as easy always, but important.