Development OS tricks

Bash #2

Part of what I find really hard with Bash scripts is encapsulation and error handling. It all became a tiny bit better when I discovered how I can print the call stack when something occurs. Check out this blog post for how to print the call stack.

I’m thinking this fits nicely with trap, but I’ll have to try that another day. 🙂

Development OS tricks

Bash #1

I’m currently working on automating our deployment with Bash scripts. For a TDD loving Java programmer it can be quite hard to figure this all out, but I’m getting better. I don’t ever think I’ll start to love it, but maybe one day I can like it. 😉 I’ll try to share small snippets of what I learn here.

set -e
set -u

I always have these early in my scripts. That way I know if anything fails (set -e) and if any variables is undefined (set -u).

Any other tips?


Recommended Android Applications

So a lot has changed since I posted an update to my Essential Android Applications. Currently running Android 2.2 so be aware that some of these apps require that. Doin it the easy way this time with AppBrain:

51 total, 49 free (96%), 2 paid (3%), 59MB total size, $10.23 total price

View this Android app list on AppBrain