Personal Web

WordPress 2.0, not code friendly

So it’s been a couple of days since I upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Nothing really big, a bit slicker admin interface. WYSIWG editor and integrated spam plugin. I tried posting some code today though, and it all went bananas. Even the “edit HTML source” didn’t help since it removes < and > signs in between. I don’t want to need to translate all those. Not very code friendly at all. I’ll have to try to dig up some plugins/improvements.

Check out how seamless the switch between WYSIWG and WikiMarkup is in Confluence. I miss that. 🙂



I’ve been using awstats for a while and I was satsisfied with it. One of the biggest problems is really that it shows all traffic. I’m not really interested in seeing all the traffic generated by all the bots. Enter Google Analytics. It takes some time to get data in there I guess, but I really like all the breakdowns. It even gives me stats for cities in addition to country. Since it’s Javascript based I guess it doesn’t show much bots either.

One of the first comparable stats shows that analytics has about 60% of the hits shown by awstats.

Oh, and 55% of the hits are Firefox. 🙂


Firefox is acting up

FireFox has reached 100 million downloads. Congrats. It just sucks it’s been acting up with me lately. It keeps hanging and crashing several times a day, even on different machines. So I’m giving Opera a spin, and hoping FireFox will get stable on the next release. As one of the tools I use the most during a day it won’t do with regular crashes.