Ah, I’m swamped with stuff I would like to try. Seam has been on my list for a long time, but never getting round to it. 2.0 beta is out, and the list of improvements looks good. Check it out here.
Ah, I’m swamped with stuff I would like to try. Seam has been on my list for a long time, but never getting round to it. 2.0 beta is out, and the list of improvements looks good. Check it out here.
Bjørn Bjerkeli has a post on considerations for host OS when building a Continious Integration server. He echoes our experiences exactly, except for the Windows part. We never tried that one, which seems to be quite lucky. 🙂 Our (and partly his) experiences include:
My choice of Linux flavor would be Debian, but there’s not a whole lot of difference with Ubuntu I guess.
Scrum literature can be a bit abstract because it is a framework that has to be adapted for your situation. But sometimes all you need to read is how someone actually did it. InfoQ has published a book by Henrik Kniberg here. I havn’t read all of it yet, but so far it seems worth the read.