
You can’t outsource passion

You hear about the great ghost of outsourcing a lot of the time. Rands has an excellent piece on why some jobs can’t be outsourced.


Opinions and alternatives to Google Web Tool Kit (WTK)

Before you start using Google WTP i strongly sugest that you read this post by Jevgeni Kabanov. Do also check out the alternative projets the post refers to! There are lots of alternatives out there:)
Opinion: Will Google Web Toolkit Matter?

I’ve listed some of the projects here if you don’t bother to read the post(but you should):

  • Java2Script:
    Converts java to java-script (Has plugin for eclipse and uses Eclipse SWT libraries for the graphical elements)
  • DoJo:
    Provides a JavaScript Widget toolkit
  • Echo2:
    “a platform for developing web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients”
  • DWR:
    “DWR is easy AJAX for Java.”

Joda time details

Considering using Joda Time on a project. There’s a good writeup with details of it here.