After a short test with Google Reader, I’m back to Bloglines. I’m more effective on that, but probably miss more. The main point is really to spend as little time as possible finding the good stuff each day within an acceptable level of articles I miss.
Hibernate arrives on .NET
NHibernate 1.0 has been released.
RSS junkie
When RSS feeds first appeared I didn’t think I’d use it much. My tests with some early RSS readers that notified me when it found something new just drove me nuts. I was unable to concentrate on anything, I constantly checked it for new items, and of course when it popped up.
Bloglines turned out to be my saviour. It’s just a website that incorporates all my selected feeds. My scanning technique has become quite good, and I monitor something like 160 feeds each day.
I imported everything into Google Reader and are going to check it out. I suspect I won’t like it. It seems it’s quite focused on entries, and with Bloglines I’m able to scan a large amount of headlines in a short time. As well as only scan a certain category, so I know what to look for in the headlines that scan.
Oh, and here’s my blogroll if you’re interested.