
Acegi Security System for Spring and more

Need to add some security to your Spring applications? The check this out!

“Acegi Security is a powerful, flexible security solution for enterprise software, with a particular emphasis on applications that use Spring. Using Acegi Security provides your applications with comprehensive authentication, authorization, instance-based access control, channel security and human user detection capabilities.” –


Coverlipse – Visualize JUnit-test coverage

I came across a new Eclipse-plugin today called Coverlipse. I’ve just started using it and I must say, it’s quite good and informative. When I run my JUnit tests through Coverlipse it displays an icon in the left margin indicating wether or not the line was tested by JUnit. This makes it easier to patch up holes in my tests.

Coverlipse is an Eclipse plugin that visualizes the code coverage of JUnit Tests. It is unique for it integrates seamlessly in Eclipse. The coverage results are given directly after a JUnit run. This makes it the perfect tool for developers to recognize their tests fullfil their task.

I haven’t done any extensive testing but it suites my needs this far 🙂

These screenshots will give you an idea of how this plugin works..

OS tricks

The final steps of installing D-Link DWL-G520+ on Fedora Core 5

This is how I installed my D-Link DWL-G520+ wlan card on Fedora Core 5 (FC5). This card has Texas Instruments chipset and needs the acx111 driver.

  1. Follow the instructions found at the homepage.
  2. Add “alias wlan0 acx” at the botom of the file /etc/modprobe.conf
  3. Check that “chkconfig --list NetworkManager” says “:on” under runlevel 3 and 5
    If not execute “chkconfig --level 35 NetworkManager on” and check again.
  4. Run “depmod -a
  5. Restart the computer. (I do not think have to do this, but you’ll never know.)
  6. You should now be able to see your wlan card in the GUI-based Network Configuration tool found under System->Administration->Network (in KDE.. Will swich to Gnome soon).

This is what did the trick for me and I think i have remembered everything. I used kernel 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5-i686 and driver version acx-20060521. Well, no that I am onlie i should upgrade my system and do it all over again with the newest kernel ang gnome.. I’ll update this post if I find any major differences.

Good Luck!